Welcome to, a service of Starburst Services. This site contains archives and mirrors of other sites.

Protocol Location

Official Mirrors

Description Location
AlmaLinux - An Open Source, Enterprise Linux distribution AlmaLinux
AlmaLinux ELevate Project - The ELevate project is an initiative to support migrations between major versions of RHEL-derivatives AlmaLinux ELevate
ELRepo - An RPM repository for Enterprise Linux packages ELRepo
EPEL - Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) EPEL
MariaDB - MariaDB Server is one of the most popular open source relational databases MariaDB

Please note the above mirror contents are provided by the origin sites and are mirrored here by automation.

Other Repositories

Description Location
CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network CPAN
DOS - Old D.O.S. Versions (Floppy Disk Images) DOS
Hobbes - File Archive as of 2024-01-11 of the old 'Hobbes OS/2 Archive' - Has more than just OS/2 Hobbes
OS/2 - Old OS/2 Versions (Floppy Disk & CD Images) OS/2 - Free the Software! sourceware

Unofficial Repositories

Description Location
ionCube Loaders - Loaders for ionCube Secured Files - (Linux Only) ionCube Loaders
FileZilla - is a free FTP solution FileZilla

Please note the above mirror contents are provided by the origin sites and are unofficially mirrored here manually.
As such they might be behind the current version(s).

Starburst Services is providing this as a service to the general public and is not responsible for any content.